
年度 论文名称
2017 Kao, S. C., X and R control charts based on weighted variance with left-right tail–weighted ratio for skewed distributions, Communication in Statistic: Simulation and computation, vol. 46, 4, pp. 2714-2732, 2017
2017 吴思达、蔡玉玲 , 职涯停滞的影响与因应方法, 国家文官学院, 234, 2017
2017 Chen, Y. J., Liu,Y. & Tsai. W.Y., Linking Leaders' CSR Values with Dual‐focus Transformational Leadership by Value-based Leadership., Academy of Management Proceedings, vol. 1, 2017
2017 Liu, Y., Chen, Y. J.*, & Wang, L. C. , Family business, innovation and organizational slack in Taiwan, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, vol. 34, 1, pp. 193-213, 2017
2017 Cheng-Kang Chen, Tzu-Chun Weng, and Chih-Chung Lo, Optimal replenishment quantity for new products and return rate of used products for a retailer, Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 40 (23-24), 9754–9766, 2017
2017 Cheng-Kang Chen, Chih-Chung Lo, and Tzu-Chun Weng , Optimal production run length and warranty period for an imperfect production system under selling price dependent on warranty period, European Journal of Operational Research(SCI/EI), vol. 259, 2, pp. 401-412, 2017
2017 Hsieh, H. H., & Huang, J. T., Core Self-Evaluations and Job and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating and Moderated Mediating Role of Job Insecurity, The Journal of Psychology, vol. 151, 3, pp. 282-298, 2017
2016 陈德昇, 王信实, 周秝宸, 中共中央政治局委员菁英甄补研究:「十六大」至「十八大」实证分析, 中国大陆研究, vol. 59, 4, pp. 49-79, Dec. 2016
2016 Li-Chen Chou, Chung-Yuan Fu, An empirical analysis of land property lawsuits and rainfalls, SpringerPlus, vol. 5, Nov. 2016
2016 周秝宸, 王信实, 中国劳动市场城乡薪酬讯息差异评估, 社会科学论丛, vol. 10, 1, pp. 37-64, 2016