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Chit Khaing

A Study of the Relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and Voice Behavior: Exploring the Roles of Felt Obligation to Leader and Self-monitoring Chiung-Hui Huang


The Influence of Servant Leadership on Employees’ Helping Behavior: Psychological Ownership as a Mediator Huang, Jie-Tsuen
111 Liu,Meng-Ting The Use of Technological Products and Feedback-Seeking Behavior:The Moderating Effect of Feedback-Seeking Motives Tung, Yu-Chuan
111 Wu,Pei-Yu The Relationships among Trust in Service Industry, Relational Bonds, Information Asymmetry and Customer Satisfaction: An Example of Insurance Industry Hsu,Shu-Kuan
111 Lin,Ting-Yao A Study on Factors Affecting Career Adaptation-A Case of Workplace Freshmen in Human Resource Wu, Shwu-Ming
111 Wang-Chi Lin A Study of Relationship between Perceived Overqualification and Turnover Intention:The Moderating Effects of Proactive Behavior of Employee and Feedback Seeking Behavior Wang, Yung-Chuan
111 Chou, Yu-Ting A Study of Relationship of Foreign Workers between Perceived Supervisor Support and Adaptive Performance: The Moderating Effects of Service Quality of Manpower Agency and Organizational Trust Wang, Yung-Chuan
111 Xie, Jia-Xin Favoritism, Supervisor Trust, Co-worker Trust and Tacit Knowledge Sharing-A Moderated Mediation Model Tung, Yu-Chuan
111 Lin, Cho-Li The Relationships among Benevolent Leadership, Employee Assistance Programs and Employee Work Engagement:Mediating Effects of Work-Family Interface Chen, Pi-So
111 Wu, Yi-Chen A Study on the Relationship between Workplace Workers' Information Anxiety, Interpersonal Communication Skills, Instant Messaging Ability Cognition and Job Performance—The Mediating Effect of Instant Messaging Usage Chen, Pi-So
111 Chen, Ting-Syuan The Relationship Between Employee Experience and Individual Task Behavior: Mediating Effects of Well-being and Organizational Commitment Chen, Pi-So
111 Yan, Meng-Qi Innovation is key, also is your superpower! Investigating the effects of different leadership styles and knowledge sharing on innovative work behavior with innovation climate as a moderating variable Weng, Tzu-Chun
111 Shen, Yun-Hsuan Talent Retention and Sustainable Development: How Talent Management Affects Employee’s Intention to Stay through Work engagement and Perceived Organizational Support, and the Moderating role of Work-life Balance Weng, Tzu-Chun
111 Peng, Yi-Ru A Study of the Relationship between Workplace Bullying and Resilience: Exploring the Mediating and Moderating Effects of Core Self-Evaluations and Work Engagemen Chiung-Hui Huang
111 Ke, Qi-Hong A Study of the Relationship between Information Technology Innovation and Employee Well-Being: Exploring the Mediating and Moderating Effects of Work-Family Conflict, Job Autonomy and Job Feedback Chiung-Hui Huang
111 Huang, Jin-Kai The Associations Among Perceived Employer Brand, Work Engagement and Retention Chen, Yi-Jung
111 Wu, Jian-Cheng The Influence of Servant Leadership on Employees’ Adaptive Performance: The Serial Mediating Effects of Intrinsic Motivation and Job Crafting Huang, Jie-Tsuen
111 Kuo, Chun-Chung A Study of the Relationship between Public Service Motivation and Retention Intention: Exploring the Mediating and Moderating Effects of Job Satisfaction, Person-Organization Fit, and Pension Reform Identity Chiung-Hui Huang

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